November 5th Exhibition
Opening November 5th, Opening Reception 6-8pm,
On View through November 27th, 2016
Yevgeniy Fiks
The exhibition Pleshka-Birobidzhan engages the relationship between identity, fiction,
and history by recreating an oral story about a group of Soviet gay men who travelled from Moscow to Birobidzhan in 1934 into an art installation. The oral story is set in 1934 soon after homosexuality was recriminalized in the Soviet Union and after the Soviet Jewish Autonomous Region, of which Birobidzhan became the capital, was established.
The exhibition reenacts this Soviet gay oral story in a series of artworks that comprises the exhibition. This includes a series of 17 collages titled Pleshka-Birobidzhan which
starts the narration. The collages depict gay men at several gay cruising sites a.k.a. pleshkas in 1934 discussing the recriminalization of homosexuality under Stalin as a failure of the October Revolution, the creation of the Jewish Autonomous Region in the Soviet Far East, and a dream of a gay Soviet utopia. The collages also depict the journey of a group of disillusioned gay men in fear of persecution to Birobidzhan, where upon
their arrival found themselves in the middle of the Gay and Lesbian Autonomous
Region -- which appeared to exist alongside and at times overlapped with the Soviet Jewish Utopia there.
In a video installation titled, Cruising Birobidzhan, Fiks juxtaposes images of official
propaganda photographs of Soviet-era Birobidzhan with an audio discussion set in
New York City in 2016 featuring post-Soviet LGBTQIs about the (im)possibility of
"queer" or "gay" utopia against the background of the real history of Birobidzhan.
In a drawing titled, A Map of Birobidzhan, Fiks maps the Jewish Autonomous Region
and replaces the names of villages and cities with names of historical queer left-wing
icons such as Angela Davis, Harry Hay, and Bayard Rustin. The installation also includes
Street-signs for streets, avenues, and squares of the imagined utopian Gay and Lesbian Autonomous Region, named after figures of Soviet and post-Soviet gay and lesbian
history such as Yevgeny Kharitonov, Igor Kon, and Roman Kalinin.
The exhibition includes Soviet Moscow's Yiddish-Gay Dictionary edited by Fiks
and published by the Cicada Press.
The exhibition will include a performance in the form of a reading of excerpts from the
1926 Yiddish edition of Oscar Wilde's De Profundis by actor Shane Baker.
The performance will be held on Saturday, November 19th at 6 pm.