My installations, videos, and drawings ask people to notice where they are, and, with humor, to imagine what else might be possible there. Often the architectural interruptions take the form of escape routes, such as an office ceiling that opens to a fabricated sky, or moving light patterns that seem to enter the room through a ventilation grate. I favor low-tech processes, simple line drawings, and basic building materials, creating makeshift magic from limited means. The projects persuade an observer to make a leap of faith, where these imagined escapes seem fleetingly possible. By positioning the viewer between the real and the imagined, my work celebrates the earnest, heroic, and always botched human efforts at transcendence.
Beth Krebs has exhibited her installations in galleries and alternative spaces in and around Manhattan, including the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), the Bronx Museum of Art, The Jersey City Museum of Art, Smack Mellon Gallery, the Cue Foundation, Real Artways, and the Elizabeth Foundation Project Space. She is the recipient of a Joan Mitchell Foundation MFA Grant and the Paul Robeson Emerging Artist Award from Rutgers University. She was chosen as a finalist in the Artist in the Marketplace (AIM) and Aljira Emerge programs, and has been an artist in residence at the Bemis Center, Sculpture Space, the MacDowell Colony, the Jentel Colony, and the Virginia Center for Creative Arts. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the College of William and Mary in Virginia, and a Masters of Fine Arts from Rutgers University in New Jersey. Beth grew up in Connecticut, lived for nearly a decade in New Orleans, and currently lives in Brooklyn, NY.