Judy Blum Reddy's art combines the maniacal accounting of the bureaucratic with the incomprehensible babblings of the hysteric. Order and chaos are mutual concerns while the comfort of repetition and the ease of simplicity mask a troubling irrationality. Blum Reddy's purity of both form and intention posit a smooth sliding scale with which to measure the mundane as well as the uncanny. The artist's limitation of means complements an hysterical excess and it nothing less than
a direct approach from which to go around in circles.
By Peter Nagy
Judy Blum-Reddy has B.F.A. from Cooper Union and has shown in New York City at P.S. 1/MoMA, Art in General, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, ABC No Rio and at Rutgers University, New Jersey, The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, Galeria Nicolas Deman in Paris, She also had a one-person show at Nature Morte, New Delhi. Blum-Reddy's work is in the collections of The Bronx Museum of the Arts, NYC, The Cleveland Museum of Art in Ohio, Fond National d'Art Contemporain and Centre National d'Art de Grenoble both in France.